Saturday, September 27, 2008

pancakes for you.

5acts posted a link to Try Hard. Go and listen to my music and some other music posted. leave lots of comments.

the debate happened and i dont know how i feel about it. aside from still hating politics.

i think the best idea i had today was for michael moore and al gore to run for president. the moore gore campaign is a sure winner.

im sitting here in the dark with meds in my eyes. well, i put it in about 30 minutes ago so i can kind of see now. if i blink right it goes back to looking like i have vaseline all over them.

blue sky sent my 6.5 monitor back to me today. they didnt call or anything but it has a new tweeter. i'm assuming its fixed. its at least 2 years out of the 5 year warranty. assuming it works, thats pretty awesome. i will try it tomorrow.

i was close to writing a poem. the start of it was mediocre. i thought maybe when i wrote the mediocre part it would lead to something better then i could go back and delete the mediocre part. but none of that happened. and actually, now i've forgotten the mediocre part.

i might make pancakes tomorrow. if you want some come over. call first so I will know to make extra. i have coffee too. and eggs. and toast. if you want anything else you might have to pick it up on your way here.


Outrageouschaos said...

I would like to note that I helped with the Moore/Gore idea. Right? I think it would be awesome if we made posters with them totally making out.

Steven Hazen Williams said...

yes, yes you did.