Monday, September 1, 2008

if this is the city that never sleeps does it mean that no one dreams?

ive been listening to song about nyc and dependence.

went to oob w/ mkl and bd. it was the most. pics later maybe.

got up too early today to squeeze as much as possible from the day. I think the early morning hair cut and the mass amounts of sun and little amounts of water that my body consumed may have left me a bit sun stroked. i dont feel so hot now. but it will go away and it was totally worth it.

bike racers go fast. they will yell swears at you.

we talked about all the places you can see the heart
beat on the body
when its laying down.
we had an ok list
when you said 'if the
body is oiled up,
something slick,
you can see more.'
you started listing again.
i did not have any experience in that area
so i stayed quiet.
when you were done
i talked about thick steel
rusty from salty ocean air
and drill bit sections
used to get through
permafrost that weigh
125 pound each.

in the end
breathing sections of
expert hunters -
game unknown -
lay sleeping.
stomachs full of kill.
blood still on the face.
twitching feet.

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