Friday, June 13, 2008

eXtreme life blogging.

woke up from having a dream about a nuclear blast where my friends and I survived by hopping a hot air balloon in an attempt to get above the fallout. after floating in the air for an hour or so reveling in genius of our ability to create a hot air balloon and get it airborn in just seconds we see someone below and the person yells, "it was just an accident, a gas tank exploded" and we lost all excitement of being the only survivors in our city.

took a shower, got dressed, eye drops ran out the door
stopped for a coffee, need something better than work coffee today
turn on vpr, check my email, meeting, oatmeal, coffee mmmm

read some blog posts:

and some poems by jillian clark

which made me more interested in skinny vegetarians sitting with their arms cross in front of their laptop than poetry

and then i read about how noah cicero is writing his history book by reading other history books and he talked some more about how dumb people are and how oil is evil. after reading his blog for months thats how I would summarize the entire thing.

his blog reminds me why i dont like to write anything that has a specific reason... or that chooses a subject, takes a position and proves it.

read my horoscope:
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You recognize negativity, even when it comes in a pretty package with a gigantic bow on it and is delivered by a gorgeous model. Graciously turn down toxic gifts.

thought about the show last nite, wishing i had some pho dang leftovers for lunch and i'm glad tick tick is helping to get good shows back in town because they are awesome people who like awesome music. i enjoyed tully craft more than I thought I would. a lot more.

dragged some emails from one folder to another one

thought about how much time this is going to take up and wondered how it possible to actually do anything while writing about everything you do:

at what point to you just start saying... "wrote in diary, wrote in diary, wrote in diary, wrote in diary?"

chatted with morgan about his show on the south shore and david with his show with tullycraft. then david sent me this:

thought about how obsessive this makes me feel and how no one will ever make it through this whole thing and how, if i am lucky, this will be my most obnoxious, yet literal blog post ever.

eye drop

checked some reports to see if we needed anything... nope
chatted with jay about the drummer from tullycraft

listened to a radio program on VPR about pharmaceuticals and marketing then thought about how i used to drive around and set up projectors to laptops and screens for pharma reps so they could sell their drugs to dr's and hospital people and buy them fancy dinners while i sat in a van and tried to occupy myself for 2 hours by writing on my laptop or calling people on my 'free cellphone' or by trying to get in touch with people i never talked to anymore who were working at vt teddy bear.

read an email about how mary is deaf and thought about how much and why i hate the word twee.

read some treehugger posts, normally i avoid treehugger but I recently subscribed when i found out matt who worked on the last mfdoj video and with whom i've had multiple conversation about ted with, was writing for them:
i dont like them as much because they tend to write about things that have already happened instead of things that are currently happening. sometimes i like to think of them as the PETA of the green movement but i know thats not exactly true. if alicia silverstone switched to being a treehugger supporter i think i would like them more.... and probably i would like her more too.

answered an email from dan at the state capital. I should have the new mfdoj master next week! it will be done mastering by Saturday. it is getting mastered at spleenless when i am excited about: and was mixed at loho:
I think i may be getting motivated to put the mfdoj band together and see what happens. it would be fun to put a band together an play loud guitars in NYC.

made plans to get breakfast after my eye appointment at 8am tomorrow morning. its the summer of the blind breakfast. i dont need to read the menu at sneakers luckily. i get the same thing every time.

washed out my coffee cup i eat oatmeal from. i dont remember who gave it to me. it has a cowboy boot on the side and says 'silver spur' on it.

updated this blog with the word 'no'

there has been a lot of talk about o scopes on make lately. i guess people do allkinds of things with o scopes

just got an email from the flynn center with a list of summer classes that appear to mostly be for kids:
and it makes me want to rant about the reasons why the young professionals, post college pre family, (ie, the demographic that essentially drives and fuels corporate america... dont want to stay here. i cant say as i blame them.

figured out how to get what i need from a database, now about to actually make it happen.

eye drop.

wish I was focusing on one area of creative output instead of multiple but that will not take up enough time. is reading create output? i need to read because I have been slacking in that department. at least reading books. i read a lot about geology, economics and physics just not in books.

talking with jay about how to build a combo pin registration / vacuum for screen printing

realized my solution to get what i wanted from the database wasnt all inclusive. fuck.

checked my inbox - nothing.... im starting to get annoyed by this whole documenting process and think the idea to do it, even though it kind of makes me laugh, is just pretty pointless.... and thats kind of the point. right? i wonder if i will make it all day.

people are weird.

taking pride in being the fastest work email answerer ever.

time for lunch, ghetto turkey sandwich and chips with water. same thing every day.

overheard a conversation about wounding ducks then putting them inside your jacket.

answered an email from my sister about going to my moms this weekend to help her move in.

eye drop

re-figured out my problem with the report and got it right this time

scheduled time for lets whisper bass and drum recording which is my last major project thats actually ready to go.

excited for lakemonsters baseball starting next tuesday. an excuse to sit outside in the sun all afternoon, eat hot dogs and watch sub par baseball playes run around. also a chance to win a free tooth brush and watch a whole bunch of people do the YMCA dance.

have to find a light source weld head force adjustment knob and find out about clips for a back pack.

answered emails, updated deliveries and prices. (documenting everything really gets in the way of doing things)
the good thing about working in the country with high gas prices is that fewer sales people visit.

i went to write 'i'm going to wear my pink converse to show you how i respect you as a girl' - jess in my bastard notebook where i saw a note that says 'jumpshots to solve crime' - brooke i dont remember what the context was for that.

got a text from SRK about a bbq at his place sunday, maybe I can make it if I am back from newport? i do like the bbq.

receiving docs are in. fun fun.

eye drop

unemployment is up again. who is surprised?

when i was a kid i wanted to be a fire fighter who fraught forest fires, when i got older i wanted to sit in fire towers and watch large tracts of land for them.

had old person conversation with jess. we share small decaf mcdonalds coffees online often. example:

dis70chord: i still have that nasty taste in my mouth too
stevehaze: gross
dis70chord: maybe thats the infection? i dunno, but its god awful
stevehaze: you mean you are tasting puss?
stevehaze: ????
stevehaze: !!!
dis70chord: what does puss taste like!?
dis70chord: whatever it is it tastes clovey
stevehaze: i dont know!
stevehaze: does puss taste like clove?
dis70chord: i don't know!!!
dis70chord: uck
dis70chord: can i google that?
stevehaze: try it, see what you come up with
stevehaze: i would do it but I'm scared to type 'what does puss taste like' into google while at work.

receiving done. back to looking for the welding part. I am anticipating reading my geology blogs. one of the geologists is documenting his geology based road trip which is fun to read, i will link if I get to read it today, and a survivalist is documenting his first week long stay at the cabin he built... i will link to that too if i make it as well.

checked inbox, still empty, work is on the way though, just waiting for approvals.

co-worker just stopped in to talk about roofing, lawrence welk and 4 wheeling.

just remembered I need to send an email. maybe later. oh and isaac called me last nite, I accidentally deleted it before i heard what the whole thing said. i should call him back after work.

set my computer clock back. it likes to jump ahead 5 minutes every 2 hours or so and at the end of the day i get disappointed when I think I can leave but realized i have to stay.

eye drop. day 15 of a drop every waking hour. which im guessing means around 240 drops so far.

my IR windows are shipping. minor victory!

does anyone want to go to see the vermont mozart festival with me? clearly my thoughts are influenced by the radio.

david sent me a link to his new blog which is quiet informative:

second guessing my idea to do this because ironic humor is a hipster trait.

i am glad I just verified the data on my report and it is accurate.

was thinking about an article i read with E from the eels the other day and how he seems like a bit of a jack ass but in a nice way. i can relate to poor people skills. i also like his story about hiring producers to play bass on records for little money and then just letting them produce the record... because they cant help but produce once they get there... and E gets the whole thing for the price of a bass player. smart.

wondered: "what if super tramp was called uber tramp instead?"

they eye drops give me a bad taste in my mouth. its not like cloves though. more like rotten milk.

went to refill my water and picked up a beat up apple and some grapes. dropped 2 grapes on the floor. one went under the vending machine. dug it out. while out there thought of a new way to look at / present the data in the report that could prevent future questions. going to see if I can get that to work. although the report would probably pass as is.

remembered that jess is in my phone as layne stanley when she told me she loved stone temple pilots.

eye drop

i think most people, after reading this, will be glad they didnt IM me today... and jess might regret that she did all day. I need to check in on my geology blogs while my brain mulls over how to get that other data out of the other spot.

There is a giant mud volcano in Porong, they've been blaming a company for drilling a whole that set it of. the company is denying it. oooh there is a road trip update. its here:

oh, interrupt blog reading, I got an email back about the welder part. I need to go check to make sure its right.
--the guy i need to see is gone. I will have to take care of it in the morning. back to blog reading.

i think my head figured out the report issue. have to cut blog reading short. i appreciate how my head can work on things without my intervention.

trying to remember transaction codes. not doing well. i dont do this stuff...

my monitor interferes with my radio. if i click and draw a window i can her a high pitched noise in the radio change.

i just spilled water down the front of me. i was drinking weird because I was slouching in my chair.

tried to get jay to buy me dinner. apparently its not going to happen.

neon neon will let you into their show for free if you show up in a delorean
i bet they dont give away any free tickets. i like how stupid random things are an excuse to write a press release and get your name in the news for something you will never have to come through on. I am not posting a link to spite them. fuck their marketing strategy.

eye drop

i will say blogging everything does seem to make the day go faster, although it doesnt make my day anywhere near more productive or meaningful.

why does aversion post about pete doherty every 3 minutes.
seriously, no one has ever cared about babyshambles. isn't that their name? who knows.

exporting and sending off report. I wonder why the work coming hasn't been approved? maybe for tomorrow... or probably right after I leave.

jay and I decided that if we were rich we would be even richer because we would have bought a ton of art in philly last time were there that is worth a lot of money now. its no good to have the eye for art investment if you don't have the money.

just got a po for arrival tomorrow 6 minutes before i have to leave, in paper form not digital so I have to type it all in. lets see how fast I can do it... ready... go!

4 minutes. not bad. i can do better.

shutting down and heading home.

drove home. saw a guy and girl making out in a plumbers van with hair metal blasting. listened to one happy island (2 days now). I can listen again because its been cleared from my brain... i think i did an ok job recording and mixing it. by the 7" from them when it comes out and let me know what you think.

its a few miles longer to drive home on the interstate. its faster and I get better milage. its a few miles shorter to take the back roads home but the gas milage is worse and it takes longer. which way should i go? i dont know. maybe i will do the math tomorrow.

checked LJ, My_ and facebook. Marie is playing tonite at 1/2. will I go? who knows. maybe. lets see if anyone is on IM i can ask to go with me... nope

calling isaac back. no i didnt watch ninja warrior last nite.

making dinner. spicy chicken patty with cheese.

going to try to work on the box ad that will be in the nose. i'm not sure whats supposed to go in it... we'll see what i put in it.

finished the ad, got a myspace message from someone overseas looking for information on youth souvenir song that was on a compilation of ours a few years back. answered that. answered a random email i got from an old high school friend. put in some eye drops.

no takers on going to the show yet. i hate sitting at 1/2 by myself not drinking. it almost feels rude. I will try to find someone else. in the mean time I am going to walk downtown. get a maple creemee. sit on church street. i have to hit the eye dr. at 8 am tomorrow so I dont want to be out too late.

tao lin supports drug addiction:

Listened to iron and wines new album on the walk into town

stasia called when i walked by to offer me a piece of fresh peach pie when i walked back home.

sat at the waterfront and watched the sunset while i listened to the rest of the iron and wine record.

i think i see someone i know on the rocks, i think i can avoid them

i think a bunch of people keep waving at me but i cant see their faces from across the street so i dont wave back. sorry if i missed your wave.

finished the iron and wine record. put on pacifica. it makes everything like a weird techno video still cant get anyone to go to 1/2 with me.

one song died down and a guy on the boardwalk started stuttering and he was stuck on they word until the next song started.

walked to 1/2 still no luck going it alone.

ben played some songs, talked to brett about gear and bands (the dig, dag, the dag and jesus and mary chain) and other things, then marie played and I talked to ben about how odyssey and oracle is the best album ever. also talked to mat for a second. near the end everyone sort of went away and I got to enjoy listening to marie play. it was nice.

walked home, listened to ted leo tell balgeary balgury is dead then called rochelle to see how she is doing and how her dad is doing. everything is ok but she is sort of freaking out about a bunch of stuff. she wants to know if dinosaurs pissed on the redwoods. I dont have an answer for that.

and so now i'm home drinking water and shutting down before bed. i never stopped to get stasias peach pie because i figured it was too late. its too bad. i love pie.

set my alarm for super early due to the dr. its going to be rough. i didnt sleep enough last nite (my fault) and now im not tonite either (also my fault) whatever. life is for living not sleeping.

now its time for my usual blog entry:

she walks like she dances in cowboy boots
at least 3 times a week
and i am not in the mood for poetry about girls.
i dont need a tree today
or the grass or a blurry picture
of a rock band
i dont need peace or action.
tell me what drives us
to not talk / talk so much
lets do something
hard and fast
that will make news.

blah. sorry. i am never doing this again. good nite.

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