Monday, June 2, 2008


i decided to walk to winooski to see missy bly and the berg sans nipple. it was fun... somethign to do.

considering the tiny amount of sleep i had last nite and the distance of the walk... i think i am doing ok right now.


scrolling through the names
on your phone
looking for a text buddy
to kill an hour with
sending abbreviated
meaningless humor /
light heartedness.
coming up empty.

share your life with your
blog: either as therapy
or a method of informing
or just a pathetic attempt
to share something with

i decided today i would not be a good botanist but might be a good chemist.
i do like to mix things.

realizing you get the same out of going out as staying in when it comes long term goals and
completely losing sight of the short term personal ones.

(this) music reminds me of death and 2 am walks.
sweat under headphone pads
and tears.

the waves of the
wheat at eye level
air of the sky
loving blue and white
sewing missions
built for warmth
and you like how
it goes away


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