Sunday, December 2, 2007

yesterday was the anniversary of my dads death. its been 6 years now. this is my entry from the nite it happened.

i dont feel like reading it. I'm not sure I remember exactly what I wrote but I remember how i felt when it happened and thats enough. I still feel his absence daily... especially this time of year.


had a busy weekend. helped jay build some desks from scratch which came out great. ripped some cds. finished some other stuff i have been working on forever. did laundry. re-routed the network wiring at the studio so I can build the wall. the show friday at red square was fun. went to brookes birthday party for a few. i swear i did something else. i listened to a lot of records thats for sure.

come listen to records at my house sometime. we will have hot chocolate and pop corn.

if we actually get this storm i will give you one dollar.


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