Thursday, November 15, 2007

it used to be
when i was a kid
i would wait up all nite waiting for the first snow.
anticipation killed me.
i had many sleepless nites because
weather people spread mis-information.

now I sit on my bed in the dark with the shade open listening to julie doiron, working on some book and will probably fall asleep way before it doesnt start and wake up after it would have melted if it fell.

i realized that editing for me mostly means removing 30% of the words i type. who would have thought that i use too many words? i was keeping a separate file where i pasted all the words i cut. i thought it might be interesting to see which words I wasted most. there was no interesting pattern. turns out putting all the words i dont need in the same file is pretty boring. i should have guessed that.

and then i try
to get lost in these headphones
because its cold
but they are too shitty to hear textures.
they miss the nuances of your voice i remember
hearing that kept me warm last time.

the space in there is just as cold.
it has larger reverbs
there were stones under the drums
the far wall was brick
and the floors were wood.

i can tell you used lonely microphones.

the other nite

i was thinking if you couldnt
cross fingers and had
no wishes nothing good would happen
to anyone

i was thinking when you hear
sounds and see faces they
get filed neatly on shelves
easily accessible and retrievable
according to some proprietary
system no one could hope to learn
but makes perfect sense

i was thinking if you had a banjo
you could make music that would kill birds and
knock down trees.

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