Sunday, July 26, 2009

i want to but i want to but i want to but i feel all inside out

killed the day. cannons firing. maple products. lumberjack competitions. clogging. teenage girls with cows. truck pulls. live stock. run away horse. secret swimming hole. tiny animals. rides. berries. food. computer fixing. haircut. recording...

i wish that i spent time
coming up with perfect lines
but more often than not
im washing my hands
or being productive.

lets look
lets look at my hands
n pay attention to how much
they listen to longwave
n ask them why.
in their cryptic communication
they will show you
series of fingers
that will mean nothing more
than nothing.
a willingness to answer
is better than
laying flat on the table
or sitting in a pocket
or hitting a face.

there is no one here who could paint you in a better light so if you have to go no one would blame you.

cities are built on marketing,
board rooms, entertainment, dollars,
designed to sell, to keep you there, so many meetings making everything perfect for the most people possible, wear you down, feed you what it convinces you is necessary to live, cities are built by people for people. convenience. this city has your success. this city will fulfill your dreams. this city is where your lover will be. this city is where good music is. this city is where movies are made. this city is where money is won and lost. this city has the biggest buildings in the world. this city was built from nothing in the desert and now you can get a condo there for 5 million. this city makes a space for you. you can go to this city with nothing and really make something of yourself. this city is opportunity for you.

the country doesn't give a fuck about you. it is what it is. always was and always will be.

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