Its a ring. probably between size 6 and 7. Im betting closer to 7.
do you want it? paypal me some amount of money to and I will send it to you. Suggested pay scale:
$10,000 - to cover lawyer fees and fines for defacing money
$5,000 - as a piece of original art that you could easily make yourself, but I will write an artist statement to go along with it that will have some sort of political statement in it. The statement will be approx 3/4 of a page. I will also put it in a ring box of some kind.
$200 - as a ring you can give to your girlfriend when you propose to her. you can tell her you don't have the money for a real engagement ring right now so you made her this one. I will ship it in an unmarked package with no return address or receipt.
$25 - because you have some extra money, are bored and think its cool.
$5 - to cover postage.
email me before you send money just in case its gone.
i was thinking about somethings today but dont feel like completing the thoughts:
1. sex and the city: how is giving into extreme stereotypes and example of feminism? Wouldn't an assertion of independence be a better example?
2. consuming: not only choosing the right product that suits your needs but also choosing the right time to buy the product.
3. does anyone know a geologist that will take me along with them and talk to me about stuff. I dont really know much about geology. i think i just want an info dump on a real life situation.
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