where's your anger? where's your fucking rage?
couple things:
1. i would like someone to do a study and report back to me. subject: does choice encourage selfishness? i had a long thought process on why it could but i dont want to sway your research so i'm not going to share.
2. i think if mccain/palin win i am going to give up again. i havent given up in almost over a year now. which is probably a record for me.
everyday sociology blog had a good article today. normally their sociology articles are too cheesball for me. full of lame clip art and 'geeze i just dont get text messaging' type posts but
this one by Bradley Wright was pretty good. I have a thing with emotion rules imposed by society.
5. i was listening to some songs i wrote a long time ago. like
this one and reminded me of some other things, which lead to thinking about some other songs i wrote for way back when, etc etc etc and i came to realize that girls dont give a shit when you write them songs. most times they think its creepy when you give them a song you wrote for them. or, maybe they just feel like they should think its awesome, then it happens and its just not as awesome as it should be? i dont know. tell me what you think of that song i wrote you, if i wrote you one... or tell me what you think of a song someone else wrote you. or, you know, dont. it doesn't matter. this was actually an internal thought i dont know why i wrote it down.
6. return of college kids means an increase in these things:
-white chicks in coffee shops talking about what africa is 'really' like
-freshman fros
-empty alcohol bottles alongside the street
-the smell of pot at random places outside
-hippies (any variation)
-hippies on long boards
-public arguments
-girls crying talking on cellphones walking hurriedly somewhere
i feel cynical. i am going to blind myself now.