sissy cakes space kitty con queso spaghetti pants brown toes scuffy face:
built a shelf today:
cleaned the control room finally and set my gear back up:
went to see grace potter and the nocturnals:
i watch documentaries on bands whos final shows were in front of 15 people.
i still need something new to read. maybe I will hit north country books tomorrow. I can take a picture of myself book shopping and post it in my blog. it will be exciting for other people to see my technique. usually i just pull the tiny step stool up to the poetry section and sit there looking for books with no words on the spine. they will probably be 15 pages and cost $25.00. those are my favorites. I am most likely to buy a book if it: 1. has an inscription 2. has no writing on the spine. 3. has an interesting title and is by an author I dont know. 4. is by an author I do know and is an old edition. 5. is by an author I do know and has a good cover. 6. sounds interesting and is well written. 7. is poorly written in a good way and has an interesting story. 8. is hand written 9. is written by someone I know somehow 10. is a chapbook.